4th Meeting, 16/17 April 2015 Ljubljana

The 4th transnational CINAGE project meeting took place in Ljubljana at the National Museum of Slovenia 16/17 April 2015, with the participation of all partners.

There were three main points in the agenda:

  1. Screening of the short films produced by the participants during the pilot actions in the partners’ countries, short featured films dwelling upon their own team scripts and partly based on their life experience;
  2. To plan the production of CINAGE package – its content and design and
  3. To plan the CINAGE Conference & Film Festival – 15/18 July at Leeds Beckett University.

CINAGE short films on active ageing are:

  • 1X2
  • Trapped
  • The Right to Adventure
  • Baron
  • … 20 Years from now
  • Swimming pool
  • Joy
  • Condominium
  • Bright day
  • Know Thyself
  • Lemon dance
  • Heart problems

Partners opened a discussion on the Pilot CINAGE Course which was held in each of the partners' countries from October 2014 to March 2015. They talked about methods used and problems encountered during Course and shooting short films. Slovenian participants shared their experiences and observations from CINAGE Course.

The partnership is excited about producing and shipping the CINAGE Package to target groups and interested stakeholders and willing to participate at the Conference and Film Festival in Leeds, United Kingdom, July 2015.

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