A European project is also a process of networking with relevant key players. Buiding contacts, attending events and co-operating is of vital importance!
The CINAGE team attended several relevant events, notably those organise by the European Commision, European and National Agencies, Networks, National Committees and Programme Committees aimed at facilitate such co-operation. These were good opportunities to showcase CINAGE aproach, to establish fruitful contacts and to enhance networking activity.
CINAGE hold dedicated events (workshops and a conferencence) aimed at convincing the participants to introduce/take into accounts the products and approach of the project, which might even be considered in policy formulation.
Key target audience were directly involved in various activities and moments of the project, clearly being pilot actions participants the crucial ambassadors of the project. They have done a remarkable job of promoting the results of the project, often on their own initiative!
Also was possible to building/reinforcing lasting partnerships, at local, national and EU level. The dialogue with the “Silver Screen Family” has been deepening, following the International Expert Workshop facilitated by the CINAGE team at SilverScreen 2015 Festival. A "Cinema and Ageing Community" emerged, interested in establishing CINAGE, sharing good practice and deepening intergenerational understanding/collaboration.
CINAGE already has an impact that goes beyond the European area! This was the case of a presentation about the project at the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre in Revelstoke, BC, Canada!
A comment from one of the audience sums up well the feeling of the audience:
Thank you so much for sharing the short films and your insight last night. I haven't stopped thinking about it! There were so many messages communicated about ageing...the possible realities and the choices, both positive and negative, that are out there as we age. My favourites were the uplifting messages in the films about the women's cycling tour, the man/revolutionary who got a new lease on life by going to the college and sharing his history...being validated, and the last one with the man playing the polka on the accordion, influencing the life of everybody around him....a contagious passion. SO, SO GOOD! What a worthwhile and valuable project!