Four issues released at vital milestone of CINAGE lifetime, providing relevant information about the project, its progress, major achievements and promoting dedicated events. The newsletters, available in Portuguese, English, Italian and Slovenian, are downloadable from the project website and were sent electronically also to the target audience and potential stakeholders at the local, national and European level, included in the CINAGE emailing list.
For receiving our newsletters, please fill in the following form.
- Newsletter 1
Findings of the research phase, including the European films that best portray the competencies for active ageing.
- Newsletter 2
Major achievements to date and promotion of the Pilot Actions.
- Newsletter 3
Major achievements to date, adding in the 12 short films, the promotion of the Conference & Film Festival and outlining the CINAGE pack and its availability.
- Newsletter 4
Promotion of the CINAGE products and dedicated valorisation events.