The CINAGE Project presented in Croatia as a best practice for digital inclusion

The CINAGE project has been presented by Altheo Valentini in occasion of the First Summer School on "e-facilitation", organized by Telecenter Croatia in Rovinj last 22-28 June 2015.

The school welcomed both e-Facilitators and project coordinators and offered two learning tracks for each. An e-Facilitator is a member of educational staff for ICT competences working in telecentres, a person who guides and mentors people coming to use computers, the Internet and other digital tools (like cameras for example).

Project coordinators from all over Europe focused on discussing topics relevant for telecentres, like media literacy, coding for kids, social innovation, and life skills. Digital Agenda and Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs were also addressed as part of the program.

For further information, see here the video interview of Altheo Valentini (EN), as well as an article published on the iPro project website (EN), describing the activities implemented during the school.

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eu enThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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