CINAGE COURSE – a very personal experience of formal intergenerational education and learning

In the framework of CINAGE European cinema for active ageing project supported by the European Commission, have been conducting and attending a CINAGE course for adult educators and older students. The course is meant for us to get familiar with different active ageing policies (WHO, OECD and the European Commission) and definitions focusing on a number of active ageing competencies as they appear in European films.

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CINAGE and Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television hand in hand

In the nearby park older learners shared their stories of active aging, which various competencies they need for the old age were noticeable. Older people have to cope with emotions, relationships, intergenerational relationships ... In short, they need to have the skills for active citizenship, to understand and improve health, be financially and economically independent, etc.

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CINAGE Progress Report Approved

The CINAGE partnership is pleased to announce that the progress report was approved by the European Commission / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)!

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eu enThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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