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  • One learns best, when one shares one’s knowledge. CINAGE presented in Ljubljana

One learns best, when one shares one’s knowledge. CINAGE presented in Ljubljana

From 25th to 27th January 2015 in Ljubljana took place a course named Digital Slovenian Third Age University. The three-day course was offered in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme and the K1 project Digital Danube. It was supported by European Union.

The staff of the partner organisations – Croatia, Germany, Slovenia - were introduced to various intergenerational programmes currently run at this university among which CINAGE – European Cinema for Active Ageing and ECIL – an on-line intergenerational learning course. European films about intergenerational learning among different generations of older people and the project CINAGE were presented. Meta Žgur and Dušana Findeisen opened discussion on stereotypes about older people. The film Good to go by Matevž Luzar was screened. Participants talked about active ageing, its stereotypes in the European movies and what we could do for better understanding of active ageing.

The ECIL on-line intergenerational learning course comes in three parts: introduction to generations, their similarities and dissimilarities, bringing generations together to set up an intergenerational practice and finally the last part dealing with the issues of evaluation.

Each-one teach one is about learning digital and social skills preferably in tandems of younger and older people. There is, of course, a traditional idea behind this activity. One learns best when one shares one’s knowledge and it is very reasonable if what one has learned, one passes on to others. Tandems are supported by the so called third excluded partner, an organisation structuring and servicing them.

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eu itIl presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea.
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