Closing SI Focus Group Meeting

The final meeting for the SI CINAGE Focus Group took place on Tuesday, 11st March 2014 at Slovenian Third Age University. Alenka Gabriela Ceh had welcome address and presented the agenda of the meeting.

Participants were invited to tell their impressions on European movies. One participant has not watched all movies because of lack of time. Alenka Gabriela Ceh told him that he has time till 21st March to watch films.

Doc. dr. Dušana Findeisen invited members of Focus Group to discussion on questionnaires. First, focus group grid was discussed. Participants told what kinds of obscurity were encountered in fulfilment the questionnaires. They told what questions were incomprehensible.

Second, the final questionnaire was discussed. Members of Focus Group with Dušana Findeisen went through the questionnaire and separate questions were discussed. Members had a lot of comments on questionnaire.

At this point, Dušana Findeisen invited them to participate in a debate on selected movies. Members were asked to tell their opinions, observations and impressions on separate movies according to six competencies and active ageing and give a critical look on film, its story and characters.

Members were asked to fulfil a final questionnaire which was sent by email.

The members of Focus Group expressed pleasure with movies and Focus Group. They were glad to participate in Focus Group because they had chance to watch movies from another perspective and thinking about active ageing and social issues. Discussion has brought many rich thoughts on active ageing, European movies, and images of the ageing in EU society. They touched the fact, that they always watched movies also from personal point of view. Therefore, for some of the members, movie Amour was very uncomfortable to watch because of the personal experience of the illness and passing.

It was agreed that they will send email fulfilled questionnaire by email in one week.

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